Always such a joy to read, Michela. I particularly loved your observation “over time I can recognise that I have moved from a photograph as a Window (direct observation) to a Mirror (introspective narrative).” I will enjoy mulling this over.

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Thanks Jo for your kind comments. I think I will try to think of a way to explain it better, as I understand it- maybe something for next week’s letter!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by Michela Griffith

Love the skyscapes. I'm a big fan of Freeman Patterson. He taught me that I didn't have to go anywhere to find interesting and beautiful. He taught me to look closer and to really see. Perhaps the camera always looks both ways, revealing something of ourselves in everything we photograph.

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Thanks John. I’m a firm believer in local: the more you return to a place, the more you learn to see. I confess that Freeman Patterson was new to me when I interviewed Larry Monczka and Kathleen Pickard a few years back. They are also big fans - I don’t know if you know their (excellent) work - they live in Norfolk County https://www.raraavisphotos.com/

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Jun 21Liked by Michela Griffith

Interesting. I can see some of Freeman in their work. Freeman is a Canadian based photographer and author of many books. I have heard him talk on numerous occasions over the years. His 2001 book Photo Impressionism and the Subjective Image offered a new and important perspective for me just as I was getting back into photography. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Impressionism-Subjective-Freeman-Patterson-Photography/dp/1552633276/ -

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Jun 20Liked by Michela Griffith

Oh goodness, Michela, I do love your writing and pictures. Your week’s observations read like the shipping forecast! You have a wonderful way with words 😍

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Thanks Lynne, at least there’s no storm warning! I think the British would be lost if we couldn’t talk about the weather 😂 You’re very kind to say that, thank you.

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Jun 20Liked by Michela Griffith

I've re-read this passage a couple of times now and I'm trying to wrap my mind around what you're saying :

"photograph as a Window (direct observation) to a Mirror (introspective narrative)"

I understand the window, but what makes for an introspective narrative?

I am genuinely interested in this because I think this may be what I'm missing as I photograph "things". I want to go go further, but I don't know how.

I really enjoy your posts!

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Hi Mandi. Yes, I did kind of throw that in. I’ll give it some thought and try to explain it better for you. And a very big thank you!

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I loved this ramble through ebb and storm, Michela, especially loved the 'Rain draws dark lines on beech' image and am delighted to have intersected with you in reveries of abandoned places... Thank you.

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Thanks David, we do have a reputation for talking about our changeable weather in the UK! Those lines of water on the beech always draw my eye and imagination - tears, blood, sap?

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