Jul 19·edited Jul 19Liked by Michela Griffith

A lovely piece of writing and evocative pictures, thank you. Each morning we walk up the hill to the huge field, where the dog can stretch her long legs in figures of eight. I call it my Skylark Meadow and, at the moment, it is thigh-deep in grasses, which flow in extraordinary waves in the sea breeze.

Soon we will watch the cutting machinery grind it's way up the lane, and soon it will be shorn and baled. Time to take the shears to the tiny patch of Skylark Meadow in my back garden 😊

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Thanks Janey. It’s good to read about your meadows, and you’ve described its movement beautifully - they do remind you of water. I have to take my pruners up to my little bit of meadow - I like broom but it grows and spreads with abandon, and I don’t want to loose the grasses.

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Jul 25Liked by Michela Griffith

Thank you for A New Topography, which arrived today - addressed to Alistair, as I had used his PayPal account 😊...

He was particularly interested to trace your whereabouts from your postal address, as the Scottish side of his family all lived in NE Scotland and the various inland towns and villages, and he has been doing the Ancestry thing 😊

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Jul 23Liked by Michela Griffith

Gorgeous as always, Michela -- and thank you for sharing Piet Oudolf’s work and your watercolour and ink work!

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Thank you Lainey, you’re very kind. And thanks again - I will send it tomorrow.

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Jul 19Liked by Michela Griffith

Your watercolour is lovely.

Grasses are wonderful, I love watching the wind through grasses.

The Peace of Wild Things is a lovely poem .

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Hi Juliet, and thank you ☺️ Grasses are fascinating, from the detail of the individual to the fluidity of the field. I’m glad you enjoyed Wendell’s poem.

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Lovely images Michela. I especially like your watercolour.

Thank you too for sharing the 'Peace of Wild Things' - such a beautiful poem and one that really resonated with me.

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Thank you Gill. I’ve not used watercolours for a long time, but I’m enjoying them. Yes, that poem is rather special- it sums up exactly what I find in nature.

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Jul 19Liked by Michela Griffith

Such a celebration of grasses, Michela - absolutely stunning!

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Thanks very much Sydney. There is such joy to be found in them.

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Your watercolors are as beautiful as your photography. It's so nice to walk with you...!

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Thank you Cathy, very kind 😊 It’s good to have your company each week.

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Thanks for letting me know it’s arrived with you Janey. Did he know? 😂 I did notice that despite the address it was a Scottish first name. I’ve always loved the fact that wherever you go, you find a Scots accent, or connection. Good luck with the ancestry research, and I hope you enjoy the book.

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