Sep 14, 2023Liked by Michela Griffith

A gentle narration of moments of your week. Feels like I'm sitting in your kitchen chatting away over a cuppa tea. The heather has been exceptional this year. I've enjoyed being out climbing and sitting on rock faces watching the busy bees scooting around in a frenzy. Lots of butterflies too enjoying it's rich nectar.

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Hi Charlotte,

One if the positives from the rain I think, though it’s hard to believe, it’s now so dry. I’m glad you enjoyed reading this. There’s another instalment later today, so chat and cuppa time when you get back from that swim! Yesterday was brrr!

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Michela Griffith

Lovely piece Michela, I love how you find something that characterises each day and just riff on it. I feel like I'm looking over your shoulder.

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Thanks so much Sam. Riffing - I hadn’t thought of it in those terms! You are as perceptive as ever - in many respects you are looking over my shoulder, as I’ve been recording these snippets out in the field rather than relying on memory (or finding time) and putting them together later.

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I love your writing style Michela and photographs. Looking forward to the next instalment.

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Thanks so much for your encouragement Sue, it’s much appreciated.

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Hi Michela - I’m enjoying your writing and images here - thanks for sharing. I’ve read many of your interviews in OnLandscape. I too have recently started writing on Substack and am finding my way - slowly but definitely not surely. Now I just need to carve out some time to write more frequently - and figure out how/if Substack works with my blog.

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Hi Jon, it’s lovely to have your company here and to know that you are familiar with my work for On Landscape. You’d have to dig back a bit further to find my other occasional articles there, but it feels good to be here and to be able to share some words more often. Yes, like you I have to work out how this fits with both the blog and newsletter I’ve done via my website. At the moment I’m thinking that it will be a mix with each hopefully having a turn.

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