Oct 5, 2023Liked by Michela Griffith

Hello Michella… reading your words feels like we are both, together, looking for unseen discoveries…



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Indeed - I recognise your description of ‘looks inquisitively into uncommon spaces’. Or perhaps finding uncommon things in common places...

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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Michela Griffith

I love your emails. It makes me want to get back into my photography. I've been pondering how to make time. Your images are tantalising and really connect with the moment. It's like I'm transported there. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks Charlotte, that’s great to hear. Maybe adopt a kaizen approach, a little at a time? Or delegate other stuff to Tim? 😉 I think sometimes we set the bar so high that we can’t see a way around.

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Beautiful! I used to live near a river, and the water was always a draw for me; to watch the everchanging moods, the lives of the flora and fauna. In good times and bad it provided a constant reminder of the power of water and life....

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Hello Carolyn. It’s lovely to know that this resonates, as I know from following you on social media that a river has been such an inspiration for you too. There’s so much to enjoy by water - sights and sounds that are definitely good for the soul whatever else is happening in our lives. There’s a section in Amy’s book that talks about the psychological effect of ‘soft fascination’ that sums it up well (p.115 if you happen to have a copy).

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N, I don't have a copy - think I will have to put it on my Christmas list!

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Definitely recommended!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Michela Griffith

Actually makes me want to put my wellies on and go for a walk! The met office radar map - that could be a project / series, will you do that (I might pinch it if not)? I am looking to submit to the 30x30 SSA, good luck

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Hi Hugh, result then (going for a walk). The radar map - definitely not, so feel free. And I hope you do.

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Michelle, I love all of your posts, but this one is wonderful, absolutely full of emotional vibrancy. Your words zing with energy, yet your focus is undeniably full of passion.

Thinking back to when I was blessed to be present for your presentation at Patchings, you have risen to such incredibly awesome heights of creativity, you are a massive inspiration to me.

Thankyou for sharing your ideas, your love of nature (particularly that of your present location in glorious wild Scotland's northern locale), and for some lovely images, both in writing and in imagery, that is so beautiful to receive and be entranced by.

You are amazing!



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Sep 22, 2023Liked by Michela Griffith

Sorry, preemptive had me spelling your name incorrectly...it is such a pain, and not always easy to spot before hitting the send button...AAARGH!

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No apology needed David. I’ve been a little lost for words since reading your comment this morning. It’s lovely to know that you’re enjoying reading these, and I’m a little taken aback that this one especially has gone down so well. Thank you for your kind comments and for your enthusiasm. I hope you’ll continue to enjoy looking over my shoulder.

Warm wishes,


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