Gorgeous photographs!! And I loved listening to the audio. Usually I would read but I was out and about today so the audio was a brilliant addition. Really loved hearing nature in the background too 😍

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Thanks very much Rebecca. I'm very happy that you managed to enjoy the sights and sounds.

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Just beautiful, as always. And I have a particular love of spiders' webs, so especially enjoyed your photos of them. Thank you for the grounding read I needed today, Michela.

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I'm happy it had that effect for you Lizzie. I have taken way too many images of spider's webs this year... I've a feeling there may be more!

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Beautiful 🥰

I love spiders! These pictures are mesmerising.

After you start noticing spiders, you come to the realisation that it’s their world, we’re just living in it. I see them everywhere!

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Thanks Ishita! The intimate detail of the world fascinates me - somehow by rendering it large, it emphasises my own smallness in the bigger scheme. I'm used to the way that conditions embellish webs at the end of summer, but I've still been surprised by just how many spiders are evident this year.

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Love all the web images. So creative. And the butterfly image, divine. So which one was that. I too like to go into the field with no preconceptions as mentioned in the video. To enjoy the experience and let the images come or not, but they usually do. Also, I do like the voiceovers.

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Thanks John, for all that... The harder you case images, the more elusive they become. Sorry, I meant to caption the butterfly - it's a peacock (Aglais io).

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Webs and spiders are wonderful. Incredible photos, as usual, Michela. And as for photography, what a treat that I'll get to hear you chatting with Joe Cornish. I discovered his photography at a gallery in Yorkshire, years ago. Good times!

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Thanks Martin. I feel incredibly fortunate to have exhibited there twice; it was a fantastic place run and staffed by a wonderful team. Sadly the gallery closed last December. I think back to buying Joe’s book ‘First Light’ when it came out, and wonder what I would have then thought of these subsequent opportunities. I’m still pinching myself.

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It's funny how we can look back at times long before so many things had happened to us. Pinch away with joy!

At the same time, I'm sad to hear the gallery closed. I have family there. My grandmother-in-law, who passed away a couple of months ago, would regularly visit the gallery and enjoy a bite to eat there. We have a painting bought from the gallery in pride of place in our living room too.

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