I love these words and pictures. The monochrome approach really works and does evoke in me a sense of loss. Have you read David Gange’s book’The Frayed Atlantic Edge’? His chapters on Scotland’s coastal-rural past conjure up a past filled with characters and agrarian/aquatic practices now gone from the landscape. Your piece reminds me of that.
Thanks Chris; yes it does evoke nostalgia. Glad you enjoyed this one. David’s book is one I have yet to read, so thanks for the recommendation. Another excellent read is Madeleine Bunting’s Love of Country. Given the subject matter, I thought it would be heavy going, but it was a joy to read.
I really should check into the Substack app more often! I only just noticed your reply from ages ago. I have indeed read and been inspired by Madeline Buntjng’s book. It was a while ago and might be worth revisiting.
Thanks Tina. It’s the first time I’ve photographed the old crofts in black and white, and it does seem to suit the mood. It’s nothing like my usual photography!
Thanks John, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed seeing them. These are simple ‘phone ‘snaps’ but I do find it interesting just how differently monochrome renders things I think I know.
Beautiful images - I followed your link from writers at work thread - glad I did
Thanks so much for coming over to look.
I love these words and pictures. The monochrome approach really works and does evoke in me a sense of loss. Have you read David Gange’s book’The Frayed Atlantic Edge’? His chapters on Scotland’s coastal-rural past conjure up a past filled with characters and agrarian/aquatic practices now gone from the landscape. Your piece reminds me of that.
Thanks Chris; yes it does evoke nostalgia. Glad you enjoyed this one. David’s book is one I have yet to read, so thanks for the recommendation. Another excellent read is Madeleine Bunting’s Love of Country. Given the subject matter, I thought it would be heavy going, but it was a joy to read.
I really should check into the Substack app more often! I only just noticed your reply from ages ago. I have indeed read and been inspired by Madeline Buntjng’s book. It was a while ago and might be worth revisiting.
Love these moody, evocative images
Thanks Tina. It’s the first time I’ve photographed the old crofts in black and white, and it does seem to suit the mood. It’s nothing like my usual photography!
A beautiful post Michela and I really enjoyed the black and white images.
Thanks Gill, I have to say I enjoyed making these far more than I could have imagined.
A beautiful post in every way.
Thank you Miranda for your kind words.
Thank you Such a beautiful blend of words and images. A real pleasure to read.
Thanks Chris, that’s very kind of you - and it’s great to know that you’re here.
Wonderful images. I too have been drawn to monochrome lately. It's such a different way of seeing.
Thanks John, I’m glad you’ve enjoyed seeing them. These are simple ‘phone ‘snaps’ but I do find it interesting just how differently monochrome renders things I think I know.